Dear Friends,

Welcome to our church website! We hope you’ll look around and learn more about who we are.

More than that, though, we hope you’ll get a sense of the living and true God we represent. In the person of his Son Jesus, he describes who he is calling out to: “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance” (Luke 5:31-32). Christ himself makes it clear that his church is not for good people, or for those who think they are good enough for heaven or inherently better than others. No! He opens wide the doors of his church to sinners! To those who fall short! To those who have failed! In fact, his message is called the “gospel,” which means “good news.” Good news, not good directions! It isn’t about doing this and that and thus becoming good enough for God and his kingdom. That’s impossible! It is about Christ, and the announcement of the happy news of what he has done to save us, for each and every sinner who repents. Christ died for us. He gave his perfect life in place of ours. He died as our substitute, with the innocent paying the penalty for the guilty. He is the victor over sin and death. All this so that messed up people like us might be restored to God. That we might have life (abundant and eternal) in the risen and reigning Christ. That we might have hope—sure hope! This is who the church is for. And this is what we at Covenant aspire to be—a spiritual hospital for the sick, not the healthy—a fellowship for sinners, not the righteous. No, we don’t have anything to boast in. We’re nothing special. In fact, we are great sinners. But ours is an even greater Savior!

So let this website whet your appetite, but don’t stop there. Come, join us. Discover with us the glory of our Maker and Redeemer, the God who is so loving and gracious to the undeserving.

In Christ’s Service,
Pastor Mike Kearney

  • Basic Foundations, Part 17Forgiven and Forgiving

    Pastor: Mike Kearney

    Passage: Matthew 6:14-15

    Date: Sunday, 9-01-2024

    Listen To The Sermon

  • God’s Gracious Electing Love, Part 1

    Pastor: Zech Schiebout

    Passage: Ephesians 1:3-4

    Date: Sunday, 9-08-2024 AM

    Listen To The Sermon

  • God’s Gracious Electing Love, Part 2

    Pastor: Zech Schiebout

    Passage: Ephesians 1:5-6

    Date: Sunday, 9-08-2024 PM

    Listen To The Sermon

Changing World, Unchanging Word

A lot about our cultural landscape has been changing. But at Covenant we recognize that the unchanging gospel is still what this world truly needs. We realize that we need to preach the good news of Jesus, teach it, explain it, and do our utmost to help people understand and believe and apply it. We don’t assume that everyone already “gets” Christianity, or even the biblical framework in which Christianity makes sense. (Was there ever a time when people naturally “got” Christianity?) If you are new to us, we wish to respect where you are at.

Upcoming Events

Stay up to date about what’s happening at Covenant Presbyterian Church

Christianity, Mental Illness, and the Church: Resources (Revised)

Covenant Presbyterian Church
2009 Crescent Drive, Cedar Falls, IA 50613

Following our recent conference on this topic on 6-22-2024, we put together this expanded list of resources: Resources.Revised Conference addresses can be accessed here.
More Info

The Lord’s Day, September 8

Covenant Presbyterian Church
2009 Crescent Drive, Cedar Falls, IA 50613

Sunday, September 8: On this day, we welcome guest-preacher Pastor Zech Schiebout! Here is our full schedule: Sunday School (for all ages), 9:30am; Morning Worship, 10:30am: God’s Gracious Electing...
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The Lord’s Day, September 15

Covenant Presbyterian Church
2009 Crescent Drive, Cedar Falls, IA 50613

Sunday, September 15….Here is our full schedule: Sunday School (for all ages), 9:30am; Morning Worship, 10:30am; Fellowship Meal, 12noon (everyone is invited); Afternoon Worship, 1:30pm. All are welcome!
More Info