Dear Friends,

Welcome to our church website!

At Covenant we are committed to Scripture alone, to the Bible as God’s Word and our final, supreme authority on doctrine and practice. And, in accordance with it, we believe we are made in our Creator’s image; that we have rebelled against him and cannot save ourselves from our sin; that we are saved by divine grace alone, through faith alone, on account of Christ alone, all to the glory of God alone; with all of it leading to a new life of holiness and good works by the Spirit. We are compelled to extend Christ’s call: “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance” (Luke 5:31-32). For more on our beliefs, please go to our “About” page.

We at Covenant therefore aspire to be a spiritual hospital for the sick, not the healthy—a loving fellowship of sinners, not a bunch of self-righteous people. No, we don’t have anything to boast in. We’re nothing special. But our Savior and his great salvation are another story!

So let this website whet your appetite, but don’t stop there. Come, join us in person. Discover with us the glory of our Maker and Redeemer, the God who is so loving and gracious to the undeserving.

In Christ’s Service and Yours,
The Saints at Covenant

  • A Pastor’s Parting Plea

    Pastor: Mike Kearney

    Passage: Philippians 4:1

    Date: Sunday, 1-05-2025 AM

    Listen To The Sermon

  • Something That Never Changes

    Pastor: Mike Kearney

    Passage: Malachi 3:6-7

    Date: Sunday, 1-05-2025 PM

    Listen To The Sermon

  • Go and Make Disciples

    Pastor: Greg Hoadley

    Passage: Matthew 28:16-20

    Date: Tuesday, 1-07-2025, 7pm (Installation Service – Mike Kearney – Missionary Evangelist to Uganda)

    Listen To The Sermon

Changing World, Unchanging Word

A lot about our cultural landscape has been changing. But at Covenant we recognize that the unchanging gospel is still what this world truly needs. We realize that we need to preach the good news of Jesus, teach it, explain it, and do our utmost to help people understand and believe and apply it. We don’t assume that everyone already “gets” Christianity, or even the biblical framework in which Christianity makes sense. (Was there ever a time when people naturally “got” Christianity?) If you are new to us, we wish to respect where you are at.

Upcoming Events

Stay up to date about what’s happening at Covenant Presbyterian Church

The Lord’s Day, January 5: Word and Sacrament

Covenant Presbyterian Church
2009 Crescent Drive, Cedar Falls, IA 50613

Sunday, January 5….We welcome back Pastor Mike Kearney, as he brings the Word and gospel encouragement having just concluded his tenure as our minister….Here is our full schedule: Sunday...
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The Lord’s Day, January 12

Covenant Presbyterian Church
2009 Crescent Drive, Cedar Falls, IA 50613

Sunday, January 12….We welcome Pastor Brian Belh, as a guest, to our pulpit this day….Here is our full schedule: Sunday School, 9:30am; Morning Worship, 10:30am; Fellowship Meal, 12:00pm (everyone...
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